International Institue for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR)
National Arbitration & Mediation (NAM)
CEDR Accredited Mediator
New Jersey Rule 1:40 Qualified Mediator
Pennsylvania Council of Mediators
New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators
Former Executive Director Montgomery Conflict Mediation Center
Certified by the National Association of Certified Mediators
Thomas Margiotti
Our firm specializes in helping business owners, management or employees, buyers or sellers, and customers or consumers with all their legal needs, while resolving any disputes that occur.
Mediation Experience
SelectedMediation Training
Essential Skills, American Arbitration Association, (AAA) 40 Hours
Advanced International Mediation (Center For Effective Dispute Resolution, CEDR) 34.5 Hours
New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education, (NJICLE) 22.5 Hours
Cross Border Mediation, International Mediation Alliance 9 Hours
Dealing With Difficult People, Montgomery Conflict Mediation Center, (MCMC) 7 Hours
The Strategic Mediator, Pennsylvania Bar Institute (PBI) 6 Hours
Mediation Ethics, MCMC 2 Hours
Mediating High Profile Cases, Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) 1.5 Hours
Lessons Learned from Labor and Employment Mediation and their application
to the broader ADR fields and vice versa, ACR 2 Hours
Mediation & Settlement Techniques of a Business Dispute, NJICLE 1.75 Hours
Multi-Party Mediations, AAA 1.5 Hours
High Stakes Mediations PBI 1 Hour
People Skills and Mediation, Improving Communication and Avoiding Chaos, AAA 1 Hour
Stories Mediators Tell, AAA 1.5 Hours
What Every Mediator Needs to Understand About Attorneys and Effective
Advocacy in Mediation, Creighton University Werner Institute (CUWI) 1 Hour
Mediation Preparation, Philadelphia Bar Association 1 Hour
Mediation’s Global Growth, AAA 1 Hour
The Psychological Impediments to Settlement , CLM